Calc Phos has been used by homeopaths and home prescribers the world over for nearly 200 years.
Typical complaints include: osteoporosis/osteopenia, dental cavities, healing after injury, complaints during/after growth spurts in kids, complaints in anyone recovering from an illness.
Contains: approximately 250 tablets.
(Expiration June 2028)
Manufactured to the highest of standards by Helios, the UK’s premier homeopathic pharmacy.
#1: Calc Fluor (Restores elasticity & strength.)
#2: Calc Phos (Restores strength.)
#3: Calc Sulph (Purifies the blood. Seals & heals.)
#4: Ferr Phos (Oxygenates the blood.)
#5: Kali Mur (Calms inflammation, especially mucus membranes)
#6: Kali Phos (Calms nerves. Relieves pain.)
#7: Kali Sulph (Oxygenates tissues.)
#8: Mag Phos (Eases cramps/spasms. Relieves pain.)
#9: Nat Mur (Hydrates. Brings fluid into cells.)
#10: Nat Phos (Balances the pH. Regulates acidity.)
#11: Nat Sulph (Drains excess fluid out of cells.)
#12: Silica (Restores strength. Ejects & heals.)
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