Nat Phos is a biochemic cell (tissue) salt that has been used by homeopaths and home prescribers the world over for nearly 200 years to address acidity anywhere in the body and to balance the pH (excess of uric acid or lactic acid etc.)
Typical complaints include: indigestion, heartburn, colic (reflux), gout, worms (in children), complaints accompanied by bright yellow discharges.
Contains: approximately 250 tablets.
(Expiration June 2028)
Manufactured to the highest of standards by Helios, the UK’s premier homeopathic pharmacy.
#1: Calc Fluor (Restores elasticity & strength.)
#2: Calc Phos (Restores strength.)
#3: Calc Sulph (Purifies the blood. Seals & heals.)
#4: Ferr Phos (Oxygenates the blood.)
#5: Kali Mur (Calms inflammation, especially mucus membranes)
#6: Kali Phos (Calms nerves. Relieves pain.)
#7: Kali Sulph (Oxygenates tissues.)
#8: Mag Phos (Eases cramps/spasms. Relieves pain.)
#9: Nat Mur (Hydrates. Brings fluid into cells.)
#10: Nat Phos (Balances the pH. Regulates acidity.)
#11: Nat Sulph (Drains excess fluid out of cells.)
#12: Silica (Restores strength. Ejects & heals.)
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