
Complete Homeopathy Handbook by Miranda Castro

Original price was: $23.99.Current price is: $21.00.

Classical homeopathy for the home prescriber in clear, easy to understand language. You can’t go wrong!

Signed by the author!!!

Miranda Castro presents: a home prescriber’s guide to the basics of homeopathy. An introduction to homeopathic theory, practical advice about different conditions and guidance on how to “think like a homeopath”. Safe and effective ways to treat a multitude of common, everyday complaints such as coughs and colds, earaches, sore throats, flus, childhood illnesses, food poisoning and many many more. Click here for testimonials.

“Many people are undermining their general health by over-using antibiotics and other strong medications for trivial complaints. This extended use can lead to a resistance to the drugs themselves; to allergies; and many serious chronic complaints. Homeopathy carries none of these risks and in fact boosts the body’s innate health and vitality.”
~Miranda Castro (from the Introduction).

There are 3 main sections:

  • Part 1: A brief, interesting history of homeopathy; a quick review of the main principles, practical information on case taking and how to take homeopathic remedies.
  • Part 2: Concise descriptions for 94 homeopathic medicines including their uses and indications.
  • Part 3: Over 50 complaints that are within the scope of the home prescriber are described in detail.

They include practical advice for managing the symptoms (Dos and Dont’s) as well as red flag symptoms that would necessitate a visit to a medical professional. A dozen helpful cases bring the theory to life.

Weight 18.3 oz
Dimensions 9.25 × 7.5 × 0.75 in


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