Who Is This Course For
Whether you are a home prescriber, a professional homeopath, a student homeopath, or a health care practitioner who would like to incorporate Cell Salts into your practice… this course is for you!
I will explore the Schuessler Tissue Salts (aka Cell Salts) from a classical homeopath’s perspective, giving pointers for home prescribers and practitioners alike. My presentations will be packed with information and practical pointers for using this brilliant range of remedies easily and effectively.
I will be drawing on a lifetime’s experience of using these gentle little souls to teach this course! I look forward to dispelling a myriad myths, and spreading all kinds of joy about how to use them to heal you and your loved ones. I will pepper my presentations with cases from my own life to illustrate the breadth and depth of this lovely little range of remedies. I shall be clearing up some of the misconceptions surrounding this remarkable system of healing, as well as providing food for thought and inspiration.
“I so enjoyed Miranda…her knowledge, her presentation, her spirit…her anecdotes and stories! How easily accessible and understandable her material was to comprehend…and the format of the classes was extremely well conceived. I am so happy that I took the class…I got all that I hoped for and more!” — MK
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Course Topics
- The history—how did they ‘arise,’ when and why.
- Manufacturing practices—how they are made.
- The main goals and objectives of the tissue salts in general.
- Their general usefulness from a classical homeopathic standpoint—for home users as well as homeopaths, or conventional or complementary health care practitioners.
- An overview of all 12 tissue salts—their affinities and general applications.
- A detailed exploration of each salt with keynote symptoms and specific indications.
- How and when to use the tissue salts for acute, first aid and select chronic complaints.
- How to administer the salts: to adults, children and infants, animals and plants!
- A review of some of common tissue salt combinations and how to use them.
- The value of tissue salt protocols including the pregnancy program.
- Some of the many conundrums surrounding the tissue salts and how to think about these including the main conundrum: are the salts gentle little support remedies or powerful healers in their own right?
- Helpful resources including charts, leaflets, books, websites and more.
“Miranda’s charts were helpful takeaways that I will use. Her delivery is fantastic—she is so clear, warm and open and has some great anecdotes. She explains in a way that is very relatable and is so engaging. I’d love to learn more from her.” —EW
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