Help from Homeopathy during the Hurricane Season!

Help from Homeopathy during the Hurricane Season!

Miranda Castro

[I originally wrote this article in 2002 for a local magazine.]

I moved to South Florida in 2002 and Frances was my first hurricane. For four days my house was a cave—the hurricane shutters kept everything out including every scrap of light. My neighborhood did surprisingly well – a number of houses had roof damage, trees were down all over the place, carports broken. That’s about it. I lost two trees and some roof tiles. 

I was surprisingly exhausted from it all—physically tired from the preparations and the clean up, emotionally exhausted from four days of anxiety and not-knowing what I was going to find when it was all over, from several nights of broken sleep listening to the eerie hurricane noises and wondering what on earth was going to happen next.

After Frances came the worry of Ivan and then Jeanne. It’s one after another. Gathering their forces out at sea. The stresses of living with the threat of hurricanes—physical and emotional—are very real. They need listening to and attending to so they don’t cause us to fall ill.

It’s important not to underestimate the impact of any stress however apparently big or small. Even if the eye of the hurricane did not pass over your house, if you feel tired or on edge during or after a hurricane then it was stressful for you. Take things easy afterwards and build up your reserves by resting and sleeping as much as you can. Eat well, get enough exercise, laugh with your loved ones and your neighbors, stroke the cat or the dog a lot, get a massage!  

Here are some homeopathic remedies to help you through the hurricane season. Homeopathy is a non-toxic alternative system of healing that has been working quietly but persistently for over 200 years. It is tremendously popular in Europe—where I come from—much appreciated for its safe, gentle and effective results. In the US it has been slower to gain in popularity where ‘science-based medicine’ dominates the healing arena. As people increasingly seek more natural ways to deal with everyday stresses and strains homeopathy is coming into the limelight! Here are a few simple solutions for common complaints during this time. The remedy suggestions are safe and effective for you, your children, loved ones and pets.

Rescue Remedy

This gentle flower essence is a marvelous soother of the spirit, helping to alleviate anxieties and fears. Put a few drops in the drinks of anyone and everyone at times of high anxiety or fear—whatever the reason. You can also take it or give it neat—just a few drops on or under the tongue. Or you can use it externally—rub a few drops into the forehead and temples. Your pets will be calmer if you put a few drops in their water and/or food.

Shock and Fear

Aconite is the number one remedy for serious shock. If at any time during a hurricane you or those close to you experience fear (any fear, for any reason) and are left shaken and full of fright as a result then Aconite is needed. Take it in any potency you happen to have to hand. 30C is great. Repeat it every 15 minutes for a serious fright—stopping on improvement. Or just take it as needed. As always, stop on improvement and take it only when the symptoms—shakiness and fear—surface.

Physical Exhaustion

Take Arnica 30C if you feel achy and tired from the physical exertion of it all. Any potency will work if you can’t get 30C. Take it 3 times a day for up to 5 days, stopping once your muscles stop aching!

Simple Tiredness from the Stress of it All

Take Kali phos. 6X (or any potency you have to hand) if you feel exhausted from the ordeal and the worry of it all. Especially if you feel unaccountably low in your spirits – as well as your energy. Take it 3-6 times daily for up to 5 days, stopping once your spirits begin to lift.

My new combination remedy: Phosphorus5 (all Phosphorus cell salts including Kali phos) will help with fatigue, stress, tension and more. Put a small squirt in all your drinks and sip as needed.

Exhaustion and Insomnia

Did the broken nights get to you? Are you a bit dizzy and/or headachy with exhaustion and unable to relax to sleep at night. Take a few doses of Cocculus (30C or any potency): 1 every 1-2 hours for 3 doses before bedtime.

Where to Buy these Remedies

Your local whole food store may sell these remedies – or they can order them for you if they don’t have them in stock. The following pharmacies will mail them to you and they all have overnight services for an extra fee.

Homeopathy Overnight: 800 ARNICA 30
Washington Homeopathic Products: 800-336-1695

Guidelines for Taking Homeopathic Remedies

  • Take one at a time
  • Let the tablets or pilules dissolve in the mouth
  • If possible do not eat or drink (except for water) for 5-10 minutes before and after each dose
  • Repeat according to the urgency of the situation
    • every 15-30 minutes if the symptoms are severe (with shock for example)
    • every 1-3 hours if the symptoms are moderate
    • every 4-8 hours if the symptoms are mild
  • Stop on improvement
  • Repeat if the remedy helped and the same symptoms return
  • Seek professional help if remedies don’t quickly help

Here’s wishing you a safe and sound time through all hurricane seasons.

I am a British homeopath who has been living and working in the US since 1994 and in Florida since 2002!

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