What should I do if I fall ill with a cough or a cold between visits? - Miranda Castro Homeopathy

What should I do if I fall ill with a cough or a cold between visits?

If your acute illness is familiar to you it may be a healing response (a temporary return of old symptoms) and will pass quite quickly. Please call for reassurance if you are at all concerned.

If you do not have a straightforward cold or minor, everyday illness you should check with your primary care doctor to make sure you do not have a serious infection.

If the illness is unrelated to anything you have experienced in the past, and you know others who have a similar illness (there is something going around and you have ‘caught’ it), then you might be able to use homeopathy to help you through it. You will need to make appointment for an ‘acute’ consultation.

It is always preferable to check with your homeopath before taking an ‘acute’ homeopathic remedy.

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